It has already been three weeks? Three weeks since I said goodbye? It honestly does NOT seem like it has been that long ago! Where has time gone? I wish I could hold her like this again. I cuddled her so long. My sweet Aubrey I miss you so bad. Mommys world.
Aubrey has changed how I look at things. How I see things and how I think.
She was so tiny and I only got to hold her inside of me for 20 weeks but she made an impact on my life for eternity. I often sit and daydream about the moment I seen her for the first time. I have a picture of her, I was counting her toes. Her daddy took it. I will cherish that forever. I was amazed at how she looked like a tiny micro preemie. So perfect. So little.. All of her toes and fingers. She even had tiny fingernails and BLONDE peach fuzzys on her. That could be because mommy is a natural blonde. I am so glad I chose to carry her after we were told her condition.I only had 9 weeks from the time we found out till the time she was in my arms.
That blanket her nana bought her that she is wrapped in, I am cuddling with it right now. I folded it so small and I can still smell her. I often put it in her box with the gown she had on, just so it can smell like her when the smell goes away. These are my thoughts for the night. Mommy loves you princess! Always!
I'm very sorry for your loss -- you are in my prayers.