I am so excited! I know this may sound super cheezy but I figured out how to make my own light box and how to "tweak" the picture to look better. I knew my photo program would come into handy somehow other than just making graphics for blog layouts! I found the tutorial over at handmadeology. I still have to buy a few table lamps like in the photo but with the tweak this is great too! I am not a professional by any means but this will come in handy when I do reviews!
I also made a new watermark for my pictures. =) It has Aubrey's feet on the "i". I made them ALOT tinier than they were but that was only to make them fit correctly. If you look around on my blog, her feet are hidden in random spots too! My name below in my signature..and in my banner.. several other places. Anyways, thanks for letting me share my lame giddy moment! :) If anyone is wondering, I use our wedding rings for the "props".
That is a cool site! I even added it to my Facebook so I wouldn't forget about it! And don't worry about 'lame' as those little things are what makes everybody individuals