I am really missing my sweet angel tonight.. I miss her everyday but it is just bad tonight. I would be in my 3rd trimester. =( I haven't deleted the app from my phone yet. I am not ready to..
I would be 30 weeks today. I should still have her inside me kicking and causing that extreme morning sickness everyday. I miss that.. I know it sounds nuts but it actually made being pregnant more realistic. I still wish losing her was just a dream.  Our baby girl was just taken from us. I seen a saying on Facebook yesterday.. A mother in our situation grieving her little one just as we are. She posted this: "While your baby is learning to walk mine is learning to fly. SO TRUE. Please, if you are expecting, hold your belly and be thankful, cherish every pain. Cherish having your head in the toilet sick. As nuts as that may sound, when it is ripped away like it was for us, you will miss it all. 
This weekend is Jon's first Father's Day. My husband should be rubbing my belly on his first Father's Day, not grieving his own daughter. I wish he didn't have to work. I feel so bad for him. Well, that is all for now. xoxo

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  1. i love you so much sweetheart! you always put OUR thoughts into words and i just wanted you to know, you are appreciated and cherished!!!! <3 hehe


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