I am excited to share that Lydia is going to be playing soft ball this year. I go to register her in person for the Fall Season on the 26th! She played baseball last year. Her practices will start 8/12 and the official season 9/9- 10/16. She is super excited! I am going to be sharing pictures here like crazy so get ready for it! YES- I am going to be "THAT MOM" screaming on the sideline..
On another note- I have decided as of this month to put trying to conceive on the back burner. It is obviously not meant to be for us right now. I am trying to focus on other things to keep my mind off of it. Lydia is keeping me busy with these great blog reviews as well!
She starts school on August 6th! That seems TOO soon for me! I remember when I was younger and in school that we did not start until the middle/end of August! She is so excited to be starting at a new school this year. She has talked many of times about making new friends. Between school and softball, there will be plenty of friends to make- that is for sure! We also managed to find a GREAT pediatrician here for her. Tennessee Pediatrics here in Murfreesboro has an amazing office! So fun and great!
Anywho- that is pretty much the run down on things right now! Her birthday is in September and shes already telling me things she wants to do at her party! WHEW! This child keeps me on my toes!
How is your summer so far? Until next time!....
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