Star Kids Products is an innovative children's product manufacturer that specializes in making fun and safe products for busy, traveling families. We specialize in safe and easy-to-clean products to make life easier when traveling with children whether via car on road trips, railroad or by plane. The Snack & Play Travel Tray is ideal for short and long trips. Use the Travel Tray anywhere you go with your car seat, even airplanes! Travel tray makes a great gift. Snack & Play Travel Tray can be purchased through our retail network.
The Snack & Play Travel Tray is made of a soft, durable, 100% Nylon. It includes buckles either around the child or the stroller, has large mesh storage pockets on the side and a 2 inch wall to stop food and toys form falling to the floor.
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  1. I would have liked this when my kids were a little younger and we traveled so they could have colored in their seats. Really like this!

  2. I wish they had something like this when my kids were a little younger. This is such a great idea.


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