“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Kmart & March of Dimes. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
Did you know that Kmart is the top corporate fundraiser for The March Of Dimes? Kmart has teamed with celebrity fitness icon, mom and Kmart ambassador Jillian Michaels to kick-off its 2015 fundraising campaign. The funds raised by Kmart will help support teams of scientists who are working to discover the causes of premature birth and develop innovative treatments at five March of Dimes Prematurity Research Centers. Did you know that has raised more than $125 million over 31 years? This is all to help advance the critical work being done by March of Dimes on behalf of newborns!
2015 marks Kmart’s 32nd consecutive year supporting March of Dimes and 23rd as national sponsor of the annual March for Babies® walks! They will take place in the spring in 700 different communities! When you purchase from Kmart, funds raised will help support teams of scientists who are working to discover the causes of premature birth and develop innovative treatments at five March of Dimes Prematurity Research Centers. Now through June 20, 2015 Shop Your Way members can help donate by doing two things- You can shop here- http://kmart.com/marchofdimes and 100% of proceeds will go to The March Of Dimes, or you can purchase Kmart’s collectible puppy figurine, available in-store or online for $5, with $1 from each sale being donated to the March of Dimes. Thanks to donations, these efforts have helped reduce the U.S. preterm birth rate in each of the last seven years, saving an estimated $12 billion in health care costs. Donations have helped moms and babies by:
  • Providing the best information on healthy pregnancy and delivery
  • Advocating for better healthcare coverage for the most vulnerable
  • Fighting for better newborn screening standards in every state
  • Helping moms to overcome substance abuse with community outreach programs
  • Increasing access to prenatal care with mobile clinics and transportation to doctors
    Educating generations of parents on the value of vaccination 
Donate and help make a difference today! You can also visit them on their social media to stay up to date with the latest! 
Two readers are going to win (1) of two (2) exclusively designed Jillian Michaels/ March of Dimes t-shirts! Check out the design!!
 Contest entrants are only eligible to win once per sweepstakes, per household as part of a campaign sponsored by Influence Central.  Giveaway is open to Continental USA. Ends on 5/6/15. Enter below. Goodluck.

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  1. Have always supported the March of Dimes!

  2. I would love to win to show my support for the March of Dimes!

  3. My son was a preemie. I would love to win and support the march of dimes.

  4. I didn't know that Kmart is the top fundraiser for March of Dimes. They are such a great organization.

  5. I would love to support the March of Dimes!

  6. The March of times is the best..I would love to wear the t shirt!

  7. I want to win this awesome giveaway because I practically live in t-shirts.

  8. I want to win because my oldest was premature and would love to support the March of dimes.

  9. I want to win because I like the Tshirt and think it is a great way to promote awareness for the cause.

  10. I want to win this awesome giveaway so I can show my support for March of Dimes.

  11. I want to win because March of Dimes is an amazing program and this shirt hopefully will bring more awareness to the program.

  12. I'd love to win this giveaway because The March of Dimes is an amazing organization that I have supported for years and I'd love to show off my support and perhaps create more awareness.

  13. The March of Dimes is one of my favorite charities, I'd love to show my support.

  14. I like the shirt and appreciate the March of Dimes charity

  15. Cute shirt for a good cause.

  16. I want to win because sporting around one of their shirts is a great way to raise awareness.

  17. I would love to win because it's a great organization that I believe in and support.

  18. i really like this shirt.its defiantly for a good cause and i would gladly wear this to show my support


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