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I love holiday candy! This is the perfect time of the year to make it too! If you have read my blog and my DIY/Recipe section, you can see I am a HUGE fan of do it yourself gifts and GIFTS IN A JAR. I worked on something last night and finished it today that I want to share with you. 
This candy is SO good and you can make it in ANY flavor you want as well as any color you want too! I made cinnamon and spearmint. Check out what all you need and how to make this yummy deliciousness below: What You Need:

How to make:
  1. Be generous and spray a baking pan with no stick spray. Some prefer butter, but I found no stick spray lets it pop out easier. 
  2. In a deep sauce pan, combine sugar, water, corn syrup, and food coloring.
  3. On medium heat, stir until sugar starts to dissolve.
  4. Place your candy thermometer on the pan, but keep it from touching the bottom direct. Most have a metal piece to help with that. 
  5. Boil the mixture DO NOT touch or stir until it reaches 300 degrees.
  6. Immediately take off the burner and without your face being directly over it, pour in your oil of choice. Stir fast and pour in your pan.
  7. About 20 minutes in, you can take a pizza cutter and cut into bite size pieces. 
  8. Let cool and harden completely for a few hours. Dust powdered sugar on top and flip over. Dust the other side and you can break into pieces and place them in jars, or airtight containers.
  9. ENJOY!
You can make this in any color or flavor. So festive too! 
 My daughter and husband went nuts over these. The house STILL smells so good and sweet! 
 You can package them up however you wish, I recommend mason jars because they are an easy gifting idea. 
 The printables for the tops of the jars were free, thanks to Princess And The Peas. You can score them HERE I love how festive these are! The gift tags are free printables that can be found over HERE too. Overall, I love how simple this was. You can make it yourself and it is so fast to do too! What do you think? Are you going to make this yourself? Like this post? Share via one of the buttons below. Thanks for reading! 
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  1. This is another wonderful holiday recipies. Thanks for posting so many nice ones

  2. This is a really fun idea. Everyone loves homemade!

  3. What cute containers! I love hard candy but have only made this once or twice when I was in Girl Scouts. It sure makes a pretty package.

  4. I actually love making candy around the holidays. It is one of the few times a year I can make sweets without having a hard to passing them off ...lol

  5. I have to ask is this like the rock candy but without the sharpness? These look like nice treats and I love the festive colors.

    1. It is! It makes such a difference to use a pizza cutter before it gets hard.=) Looks prettier.

  6. This is cute, what a fun, festive and sweet gift idea.

  7. Those candies look yummy! I don't like hard candy but if I could make these soft, OH I'd be in love!

  8. Adorable! Ive never made candy before but these simple enough for me to make

  9. I will have to add these to my list to make. The colors and flavors are great for Christmas!


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