This week is HOMETOWNS week. I am curious to see how this is going to go.
The episode started with Nick giving ALL of the girls roses and moving on. Raven is the first to have her visit from Nick. They are in Hoxie, Arkansas. She came in and swept him up on a 4wheeler. They went mudding, met her cop brother and then he met the family. Brought flowers and candy to them. An emotional moment when they found out that her dad is CANCER FREE. I cried, because I am an emotional person. The date went great, and Raven's dad told Nick that he was surprised that he liked him. HAHA. She wanted to tell him she loves him, but she is scared.
Next date, Dallas, Texas! This date started with Rachel taking Nick to church. She wanted to see how he would do in a predominately black church, because this is her life. It then goes to her bringing him home. Nick met her mom and others. Her dad was not able to be there. She has never brought a man home, let alone a white man. This episode makes me sad. Because I know that she doesn't make it. Her family obviously want what's best for her and doesn't want to see her hurt. Her family is grilling him about asking if he has ever dated a black girl. Makes me uncomfortable, poor guy shouldn't have to explain himself over and over again.
Nick explains to Rachel's mom about everything he loves and feels about Rachel. Her mom is so sweet. Her mom tells Rachel that Nick reminds her of Rachel's dad. The night ends and Rachel says that she is falling in love with him.
Nick goes to meet Corinne in Miami, Florida. She takes him shopping. I think this is a mistake on her end because he is not going to be able to keep up with her lavish lifestyle. She wants to show him what an ordinary day for Corinne looks like. She picks out a ton of clothes for Nick and he does a fashion show. She spoiled him and bought him everything. We met Raquel and the parents. Corinne tells her dad that she told Nick she loves him. He was shocked. Her dad is worried that Nick can't make enough money to take are of her. Corinne said she would be okay with being the breadwinner though. That was sweet, and a side I did not expect.
We had to Montreal and the hometown starts with Nick meeting Vanessa's students. They greeted her wonderfully and it made me tear up. SO SWEET. They put a scrapbook together with her students. Nick gets their approval too! Vanessa's parents are divorced, so we meet mom first. It did not go that great to be honest. Her aunt is asking a ton of questions and her mom and sister have doubts and go in hard on Nick. Her brother too. They don't want to see her hurt like in the past. They head to her dads house and it is just her dad and Nick. He asks what stands out among the other women and he is concerned about them. Nick asks for his blessing and got a big NOPE. AWKWARDDDDDDDDD. Vanessa talks with her father and finds out. She also finds out that Nick asked the other families and she is upset. She is questioning their relationship. Had she watched this show in the past, she would know they always ask EVERY parent.
It ends.. to be continued until NEXT WEEK.
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