Congratulations! Now all you have to do is plan your perfect wedding; you’ve done the hard part: finding the partner of your dreams, so everything else should be a breeze, right? Well, no. Your dream celebration wedding may cost substantially more than you have the budget for, and that can lead to upset and drama. Here are a selection of money saving tips for your wedding, so that you can reallocate the funds to the details that you really don’t want to scrimp on.
The Date
You may have always dreamt of a summer wedding, but so does everybody else, and venues are fully aware of this. If you can be flexible with the date you choose, perhaps aim for a winter or fall wedding, you will be able to get a reduced rate for your wedding. Not only is the venue hire rate affected by the seasons, but the day of the week you choose too. Sunday weddings, for example, are cheaper than a Saturday one, and a midweek day cheaper again. You need to be considerate of the guests that you are inviting though, so bear in mind whether people will need time off work to attend your celebration.
The Time
The timing of your wedding is crucial for controlling your budget. Weddings that start early will require the guests to be fed and watered more than ones that start later. The later in the day that you can have your wedding, the better. You are then open to the possibility of only providing a buffet style wedding breakfast rather than a complete sit-down meal. The added bonus to having a later wedding ceremony is that your guests will not be drinking alcohol all day, and while you want them to have a good time, this again reduces your costs if you are providing the alcohol for your wedding party.
There are many details of your wedding that you can do for yourself which will save you a substantial amount of money. Check out online wedding invitations for professional looking invites that you can personalize for your own style or theme. Rather than having bouquets of flowers decorating tables, create your own table dressings: lavender is easy to grow and robust enough to be repotted into containers that can match your theme. You do not have to go all out on bouquets for bridesmaids either, use prom-style corsages – this way they are sure to match the dresses perfectly too.
Your Guest List
You may have hundreds of friends on social media, but who are your main real-life friends? Your guest list should only include the people that you have genuine relationships with: your closest friends, and, of course, your families. To keep costs down, consider having only your nearest and dearest at the ceremony, and providing them with a wedding breakfast afterwards. You can then have an evening reception for your wider circle of friends and family.
Now that you have read these ideas on how to have a budget wedding, you should be inspired to make other money-saving decisions. Be sure to remember the mother of the bride too! The one thing to remember is that only you and your partner will know the total cost of your wedding, and the guests will only remember what an honor it was to be included in your celebrations.
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