Photo credit: Elements5 Design

The holiday season has arrived. Once again we find ourselves looking for meaningful gifts for friends and family. The children are easy enough as they will tell you exactly what they want or even make you a list. But, the adults that you love can present a challenge.

There are some gifts that we give adults that are considered easy, affordable, and most people love them. Some examples are:

  • Movie tickets
  • Gift cards for dinner and drinks
  • Gloves
  • Scented soap
  • Candles

There is nothing wrong with any of these gifts. But, what if you have someone on your list who is extremely health conscience? If this person is someone you are close to, the above gifts seem like a bit of a cop-out. These are gifts you may give a co-worker, your child’s teacher, or a neighbor. They do not show any real effort, and certainly do not seem to be something you specifically selected for their lifestyle.

Photo credit: Sergio Souza

If this describes your situation, don’t worry. We have done the searching for you. Below you will find 13 gifts for the person who values their health above all else. These gifts will assist them on their quest, and they will know that you are paying attention. So, grab a pen and let’s begin.

  • Essential oils and oil diffuser
Therapeutic grade essential oils are a natural solution to many things. For example, if you get a headache, nausea, cramps, cracked and chapped skin, IBS, gas, and sore throat, a few drops of peppermint oil will ease your discomfort. It can be placed in a diffuser and inhaled as you go about your day. The oil is absorbed through the thin sinus membranes. It can also be added applied topically.

  • Gift card to a local health food store

Your friend probably buys their foods from an organic health food store. Organic food can be expensive making this a great gift.

Note: for a special treat, you might consider giving them a gift card to an online health food supplier. This will give them more options and they may find foods they would not have considered. A health food consumer will be excited to learn about new selections.

  • Waterproof running socks

This is something every runner needs. A good-quality running sock is a must-have. A secure fit in the running shoes reduces friction and if the socks are waterproof they keep your feet dry and protect your feet.

  • Herb Garden kit

This has to be the best gift to anyone on your list. Some garden stores have kits for sale. If not, make one yourself. You will need a small tray, clay pots, soil, and seeds.

  • Gift card to their favorite vitamin and supplement store

Your healthy friend will be thrilled with this gift. They may use it for their vitamins or protein shakes. Or, they may use it to splurge on a product that they want to try, but cannot afford.

  • Make a vegan gift basket
This is a great gift for any vegan or vegetarian on your list. Make a trip to your health food store and gather a selection of snacks. Include fresh fruit and veggies.  Arrange the snacks in a basket and tie a bow at the top. 

Photo credit: Christopher John Pratt

  • Wine

A nice bottle of wine is always appropriate. However, some wines are not vegan. This is shocking to most people. Wine is made of grapes so how can it be non-vegan?Most wines are fined and filtered, usually using animal products. There are exceptions. Call your neighborhood liquor store and ask. If they don’t know, try Natural Wine Company in New York. They are an authority on vegan wine.  

  • Foam Roller
People who get a lot of exercises often have sore muscles at the end of the day. While you would like to give them the gift of a massage, that is a bit much. Instead, buy a heavy-duty foam roller (in department stores and sports stores) and they can roll it across muscles reducing pain and aiding in circulation.
  • Acupuncture mat with pillow

Acupuncture mats and pillows have raised “needles” made of plastic. Lying down on the mat for 30 minutes allows you to put pressure on the healing point in your back, neck, and head. This is a great gift for anyone who needs stress reduction too.

  • A Fitbook

This ledger helps the runner keep up. There are places to fill in all the needed information to secure that you are meeting your goals, This includes calorie intake, exercise, and weight. You can look back to see how far you have come or look ahead to your future plans.

Photo credit: Isaiah Mclean
  • Zumba, Yoga, Line-dancing, Tango?
Every athlete knows the importance of mixing up your routine. You have to work different muscles in order to be your best. Contact a dance studio. Sign them up (and you can go too) to try a fun dance class. It will give them something new to do and you will both have fun while shaping up.

  • Waterproof headphones and ear-buds
Exercise is boring without music. Buy waterproof headphones or earbuds that will last a long time and keep you moving.

  • Special event clothing
Maybe your healthy friend is a cheerleader or the parent of a cheerleader. Nothing shows team support like wearing a team cheerleading jacket for the season. They are perfect for going to competition venues. Every supporter of the team should have one.

As you can see, there are plenty of great gifts for friends and family that watch what they put in their body and push it to be physically fit. While you are ordering for this friend, you might just find gifts for other friends as well. Go for your healthy and thoughtful gifts. You might just begin a new trend of healthy gifts in your family.
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