Let's talk New Years. Everyone has a resolution. What is yours? Mine is to lose another good amount of weight. Now, you are probably thinking- UGH another one of those girls huh? No, that isn't it at all. A little backstory- I was 260 at my heaviest. I was miserable. I was FAT. Let's get real. People say big is beautiful but unhealthy and on the verge of diabetes is not. Do it for yourself. Love yourself more than that ladies and gents! Let me show you what I looked like! The left is before in December 2017 and right is December 2018.

I won't lie- I gained a little over the holidays. I am now 176. I lost a ton of weight with diet and exercise. We slacked on going to the gym since August because we maintained our weight but now we are back in the gym and ready to knock this weight out like a mother. The key to doing this is to program your body into eating a healthier way and wanting to change yourself. My husband is the cook in the household. He makes chicken and veggies often. Mixes it up and adds spicy stuff to it and such. We drink water. 

Once you get in the gym and get your body used to working out and burning those calories, you will get to where you can eat whatever you want. That's how I lost weight. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is something you have to program your head and body to get used to. Before you eat the cake or drink that pop, is it worth it? 

Here is a new monthly photo of my weight loss for January! I will be updating monthly with my progress. I need to work on rounding my booty, thinning my thighs and losing more belly fat as well as tightening it up.

My point of this post is that I was healthier than I was and you can be too if you put your mind to it. It is a new year. Use that as an excuse to start over. Do it for yourself. Love yourself.

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