I don't know about you but I see so many stories out there of women literally being attacked. Not to mention being a sexual assult survivor myself. It teaches you to be more aware of your surroundings. Did you know that there is a ring you can buy to use as a defense weapon? Not to mention it can be used for other things!
Defender Ring carries a variety of styles so that you can find the perfect fit for you. I chose this gorgeous Rose Defender Ring. They have this from size 5-10. I love the style of it!
You simply unscrew the top and a sharp 4 sided knife is under the rose top. This knife is sharp enough to go through metal, clothing, wood and sure enough to be sharp enough to get any DNA should you ever be attacked.
This ring is entirely made of made of 316L stainless steel. The knife is too. I love the style of it because it is girly and cute and it will blend in with your regular jewlery daily.
You may be thinking I am completely paranoid or that you will never need to wear something like this, however, you can really never be too cautious, and if nothing else, this ring can be used for other things and is sure to come in handy if you go camping or just for random stuff around the house! I, myself feel comfortable wearing it if I am out by myself because of the things you see in the media these days. You can purchase this ring for $65 on their website HERE. Check out their website for other styles they have as well. Like I said, there is something for everyone's style. This will also make the perfect gift for someone starting college!
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